Circle of Life Full Certification Reiki Course (Level 1 - 5 Combined)

Circle of Life Full Certification Reiki Course (Level 1 - 5 Combined)
This course includes five classes from beginner to master level: HEAL (Level 1), ALIGN (Level 2) and ASCEND (Level 3), CHANNEL (Level 4) and TEACH (Level 5). Each subsequent class builds upon your energy and tools gained in the previous class.
Official student manual and certificate is included. You must take these classes in the same order ie first Level 1, then Level 2, 3, 4 and 5. You can pick any dates from the published calendar for each level (click on individual class names above to see the schedule) or contact for requesting a specific date (subject to availability).
Welcome to Circle of Life Full Certification Reiki Course.
This course includes five classes from Beginner to Master Level:
Circle of Life HEAL Reiki Beginner Class (Level 1) attunes you to gentle yet powerful Circle of Life Reiki energies. Carefully formulated with essential healing vibrations to gently heal and restore the vitality of your life. Suitable for beginners with no prior knowledge or experience of Reiki. Includes Heavenly Elixir of Life and Divine Marham (= Divine Ointment) for even the deepest emotional, karmic, physical, psychological and spiritual wounds. You will learn how to employ Reiki for self healing and restoring vital life force in a natural, safe and effective manner.
Circle of Life ALIGN Reiki Intermediate Class (Level 2) attunes you to more powerful Circle of Life Reiki energies. Carefully formulated with essential energy vibrations to protect and grow the vitality of your life. Suitable for intermediate students who have completed Circle of Life HEAL class. Receive powerful Reiki symbols including Choku Rei, Sei Heiki, and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen. Includes comprehensive information on spiritual lessons of the major seven subtle energy centres (chakras). You will learn how to align your life’s energies with the Universe to minimize friction, stress and plug energy leaks.Day 1 will focus on lower (human) chakras. Day 2 will focus on higher (divine) chakras.
Circle of Life ASCEND Reiki Advanced Class (Level 3) attunes you to advanced Circle of Life Reiki energies. Carefully formulated with essential energy vibrations to propel you into higher orbits of consciousness. Suitable for advanced students who have completed Circle of Life ALIGN class. Receive powerful Reiki Master symbol and Circle of Life symbol. You will learn how to rise above life’s challenges and live a heavenly life on Earth.
Circle of Life CHANNEL Reiki Practitioner Class (Level 4) teaches you how to safely and effectively offer Reiki to your loved ones and clients. After taking Circle of Life HEAL, ALIGN and ASCEND Reiki classes, you are now ready to take the CHANNEL class. Carefully formulated to provide you with the essential energy tools and practical guidance to start your journey as a certified Reiki healer. Suitable for advanced students who wish to learn how to give a hands-on or remote Reiki session either for free or for a fee.
Circle of Life TEACH Reiki Master Class (Level 5) teaches you how to teach Reiki to your loved ones and clients. After taking Circle of Life HEAL, ALIGN, ASCEND and CHANNEL Reiki classes, you are now ready to take the TEACH class. Carefully formulated to provide you with the essential energy tools and practical guidance to start your journey as a certified Reiki teacher. Suitable for advanced students who wish to learn how to pass on the beautiful gift of Reiki in person or remotely either for free or for a fee.
Official student manual and certificate is included. You must take these classes in the same order ie first Level 1, then Level 2, 3, 4 and 5. You can pick any dates from the published calendar for each level (click on individual class names above) or contact for requesting a specific date (subject to availability).
Please start to eat light as long before the workshop as possible. Light means clean vegetables, fruits, protein ...clean diet. Minimize sugar, alcohol, caffeine processed foods if possible. Your training starts as soon as you decide to take the course. There are three students in this class. Please make sure that you have a quiet evening planned to really enjoy the many benefits and powerful Reiki grace from this experience. Please dress comfortably, ideally loose fitting, natural material and light colored clothes if possible. You may bring a water bottle, pen, paper, blankets or your favorite pillow. You can also bring a piece of jewelry such as a ring or necklace or a crystal or something else that has sentimental value to you to be blessed during the class. Till we meet, keep following your bliss and allow each step of your learning and healing path to be lived in the moment. Lean into the teachings as they will always see you through. There will always be an invitation from life to grow, heal and flourish in prosperity, wisdom and love. When the student is ready the teacher will appear and this goes for the teacher as well. The Circle of Life and learning continues as each of us explores our soul's calling. REIKI is the road map to positive lasting change and gratitude, grounded in truth and healing love. Come open to receive love, Reiki grace, healing and learning. Welcome Home.
During the Class
Please arrive no earlier than 5 minutes of class time as I have to energetically prepare the space before the class. You are welcome to bring your lunch and/or snacks. We will have a one hour break for lunch in which you can also go out to eat, have a walk etc. (recommended). You are required to be present 100% of the class time (except lunch break). The main thing to focus on during the class is that you feel a personal connection with Reiki and be open and present throughout the class. Ask any questions as it opens the door to learning and clarifying concepts. Please also let me know the exact spelling of the name you wish to be printed on your certificate (for new students only).
After the Class
I recommend that you lay low after your class, avoiding loud, busy places and people, activity etc. This is very important and helps to heal deeply and let Reiki energy integrate well into your system. I recommend planning a healing, rejuvenating day focused on time in nature and/ or meditating and praying on the day following your class as well if possible. Allow for a gentle routine after your Reiki experience. Some students feel a need to take more rest or sleep. Listen to your body and nourish it with a clean healthy meal afterward. Drink more water to flush out toxins released by Reiki during the stress-reduction process. To further integrate the energy, spend time in nature. This course is going to help you, your family, loved ones and any other beings coming in your life path - past, present and future. I am very happy that you decided to take this step as it will open doors to many amazing new experiences, healing and the richness of life.