75 min Combined Reiki and Life Coaching Session - Premium - Online or In-Person

75 min Combined Reiki and Life Coaching Session - Premium - Online or In-Person
For 75 minutes, experience the combined benefits of Reiki and Life Coaching online. Best value for busy professionals and executives. The Reiki and Coaching parts could be taken jointly or on two separate days.
This session combines life coaching and Reiki for optimal results.
First a coaching session is conducted discussing client’s situation, goals and way forward. This is followed up by an online Reiki component to promote calm and rest to the nervous system.
During Reiki, the client sits back or lies down, fully clothed, in their home. Soothing meditative music is played in the background. The Reiki practitioner invokes Reiki and start channeling powerful yet gentle Reiki healing energy into the aura and body of the client. People report reduction in stress, deep feelings of calm, clear headedness, sharper focus and overall wellbeing.
You could have this session in person or online depending on your preference. Although distant Reiki has been in practice since the very birth of Reiki, however in response to the situation related to recent pandemic, the International Cetnre for Reiki Training has introduced a new Reiki energy vibration in April 2020 that is more powerful and suitable for conducting online Reiki sessions and trainings.
Rest and gentle routine, nutritious, heavy meal and plenty of water is recommended after a Reiki session to help integrate the energy.
All sessions could be scheduled anytime during one year from the date of purchase. To schedule a session please email hello@dervesh.ca.