The Question of Guidance
There is a common misconception about the whole area of guidance - meaning primarily spiritual guidance, including angelic guidance, divine guidance, universal guidance and all other kinds of guidance people usually seek during the course of their lives. People always look for guidance from the heavens, believing there is a set path which has been laid out for them, and which is the only best path. If they put even one foot either to the left or the right of that path, it will mean less happiness, less fulfillment, less satisfaction and so on. This misconception happens because of not understanding freewill.
Divine is unlimited and hence able to accommodate your desires more than you are capable of accommodating divine’s desires. Because divine is unlimited, it does not matter what you desire. It is still within divine’s circle of ability. If you say A, and divine does A, it doesn’t matter to divine, because divine is unlimited. If you say B, and divine does B, it doesn’t matter to divine, because divine is unlimited.
Once a person reaches a certain stage in enlightenment, he realizes that it is he who has to guide divine as to divine should do A, or B, or A&B, or neither A nor B. All these situations are equal and same for the unlimited divine. What matters is the freewill of the human. So instead of seeking guidance from divine, an enlightened person gives guidance to divine. Because divine is the canvas, and the desire of human is the brush stroke. The canvas is unlimited, it’s a human who has a limited time on Earth in one lifetime to paint whatever on the unlimited, blank canvas.
Nothing is impossible for divine. So it makes sense that divine should follow human’s desires not the other way round. Man is limited, divine is unlimited. No matter what a human desires, if divine does it it still doesn’t matter to divine. Following human desires and guidance, doesn’t take away or add anything to divine - it remains unlimited, eternal, divine always.
Once a person fully realizes this concept, he stops asking for guidance, and in turn, starts guiding the Universe. He asks his heart, in every moment, what do you want? And asks the Universe to follow his heart. Because it is very logical that the Universe should follow his desires as the Universe has all the means to fullfill his desire, and fulfilling all desires of every single human being cannot deplete the Universe of a single straw.
If you keep following guidance how could you be a creator? So try looking at life through this angle. Stop seeking guidance, and start giving guidance. See what happens. This is how a man could be a creator - creating what he wants. Envisioning, designing and implementing whatever he wants. It is your freewill, your unique choices, your particular desires that are like a movie on a blank cinema screen. Your freewill is the light of the Universe. It is for you to realize and exercise your freewill that the Universe has been created.