You and Your Gift
Your gift is your treasure. Your gift is your freedom. Your gift is your passport of happiness, and your ticket to heaven. Your gift is your best friend, your guardian angel, your confidant. Many people are in search of a sanctuary, a safe place for themselves, without realizing that the safest place on Earth for you is within your acceptance of your gift. When you reject your gift, you live like a beggar - begging people for love, money and protection. When you accept your gift, you live like a king - able to bless everyone and everything with your light.
The safest place on Earth for you is within your acceptance of your gift.
No one in the world comes without their gift. When you understand and honor the contract of your birth, you receive everything you need for a fulfilling life from the Universe.
In the journey of evolution, humans usually first discover their gift. Then they test it. After testing they start to accept it, honor it, and living around it. Then they start living inside their gift, as if they are a child in the womb of their gift. They receive the nourishment from the gift. And at last they become their gift, as if they have now taken a spiritual birth. They keep growing until the gift start living within them as if they are the mother of their gift. This feels like a heavy phase, because they are nourishing the gift with their blood. Then they further evolve gathering enough strength to act as a father and plant the seed of the gift in other humans. It usually takes several years from discovering to becoming a father of the gift.
When you understand and honor the contract of your birth, you receive everything you need for a fulfilling life from the Universe.
May you be able to see and live within your gift. It’s a true blessing.