Further Explanation - Holy Fire and Circle of Life

Holy Fire

Holy Fire is for healing. You'll get a very soothing effect on your mind and body. Stress will melt and you'll feel supported and cared for by a loving, caring energy. Holy Fire will help religious trauma, release spirit attachments, enhance your vibration, heal difficult situations in life, bring you support, joy and peace. You will discover your authentic self. It's a fantastic way to cope with everyday stresses and accumulated burdens of stress as well.

People who have been drained by living inauthentic lives, will feel as if their souls are being nourished and rejuvenated.

People who have been drained by living inauthentic lives, will feel as if their souls are being nourished and rejuvenated. You will develop a strong connection with the spirit world. Holy Fire enables you to start seeing who you really are, and you begin to accept your inner truth.

Circle of Life

Circle of Life is for evolution. It is suitable for those who have a desire to go beyond healing and evolve into their authentic self. You'll be able to not just cope, but win over stress by getting aligned with the truth of life and taking practical steps to evolve into your authentic self. You will be able to fulfill your life purpose. Circle of Life supports you in honoring your contract of life. Ideally suited for those who have healed sufficiently, and are not afraid of looking into their blind spots, difficult feelings and practically getting over them for good. This is like getting a new birth.

The process is based on truth, not necessarily comfort, and it  needs tremendous energy which Circle of Life provides.

The process is based on truth, not necessarily comfort, and it needs tremendous energy which Circle of Life provides. You will develop a strong connection with the material world around you, including your environment, society, animals, plants, crystals, food, your body and mind. You will be able to align your inner truth with the outer truth of the larger Universal consciousness. Circle of Life actually completes the purpose of your journey of life on this Earth.

Shehbaz Ahmad